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Timing by Granite State Race Services
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Harpoon Octoberfest

                     Harpoon Brewery Octoberfest Race
  October 7, 2018                3.66 Mile                   Windsor, VT
Timing by Granite State Race Services (see our Calendar of Races)
            Results corrections:

                              COED TEAM RESULTS

   1.  FLOVA SCOTIA                            
            22:44   22:49   24:59   26:20 = 1:36:52
         Brian Lashway, Katie Duffy, Alyssa Anderson, Jason Larochelle
   2.  SANDBAGGER TRACK CLUB                   
            20:33   21:09   28:23   28:33 = 1:38:38
         Justin Montgomery, Neal Graves, Jessica Wilmot, Jana Montgomery
   3.  CARDIGAN COUGARS                        
            20:26   22:06   26:44   29:33 = 1:38:49
         Jotham Burnett, Nicholas Nowak, Julie Nowak, Taisa Haluszka
   4.  HERE4BEER                               
            25:59   28:10   29:40   31:08 = 1:54:57
         Nick Athanasopoulos, Eric Delea, Paige Tuttle, Hailey Connor
   5.  SCORES RUNNING CLUB                     
            25:36   29:23   31:13   31:23 = 1:57:35
         Daniel Houder, Dave Gruender, Andrea MacMurray, Katherine Pritchard
   6.  FOREVER FIT                             
            28:56   29:11   30:49   30:49 = 1:59:45
         Clay Gendron, Tony Krugel, Melinda Cyr, Nicole Sargent
   7.  WOODY AND THE LEFT BEHINDS              
            26:34   28:43   31:00   33:37 = 1:59:54
         Evan Chadwick, Maxine Stent, Elizabeth Bianchi, Johnathan Bratton
   8.  FRIENDS OF CARSON                       
            28:52   28:52   31:07   31:07 = 1:59:58
         Isaiah Lees, Elizabeth Smith, Jillian Tripp, Kyle Smith
   9.  RECOVERING DCISTS                       
            25:40   30:48   32:59   33:31 = 2:02:58
         Christopher Goetzman, Susie Bokermann, Kimberley McKee, Paul Heintz
  10.  RUNNIN' WITH BUDS                       
            25:37   30:06   32:29   36:04 = 2:04:16
         John Tyler, Joseph Lafountain, Holly Bly, Lauren Rude
  11.  I LIKE BIG MUTTS!!                      
            32:53   32:53   33:02   33:02 = 2:11:50
         Justin Quinn, Francine McGee, Molly Brockman, Jordan McGee
  12.  BEER GARDEN JUNKIES                     
            29:00   32:00   32:34   40:30 = 2:14:04
         Wilhelm Weinstein, Bonnie Cruz, Justine Fournier, Tom Frederick
  13.  KIMBALL KRAZIES                         
            21:30   34:38   38:23   39:48 = 2:14:19
         Sean McDonough, Holly Noyes, Sarah Flore, Alexander Bryant
  14.  PRETZEL LOGIC                           
            31:20   31:20   35:45   47:08 = 2:25:33
         Michelle Ciccarelli, Mauro Ciccarelli, Ovleto Ciccarelli, Stephanie
  15.  ARMED CHEMO NINJAS                      
            32:39   35:40   36:17   41:34 = 2:26:10
         Jordan Schleeweis, Daniel Moyer, Cheryl Moyer, Jesse Holloway
  16.  THE BREWSUAL SUSPECTS                   
            29:42   30:01   30:05 1:05:53 = 2:35:41
         Beau Dykstra, Matt Carrera, Micaela Schones, Michelle Button
  17.  CHROMA TECHNOLOGY                       
            31:26   32:45   42:24   49:30 = 2:36:05
         Connor Smith, Scott Phillips, Karley Smith, Kim Smith
  18.  TEAM GUIDARD                            
            39:51 1:07:30 1:07:31 1:11:07 = 4:05:59
         Michael Guidosh, Melissa Guidosh, Kayla Allard, Jacob Anderson