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2021 Westport Kiwanis Triathlon

                   Location: COMPO BEACH - WESTPORT, CT
                          DIRECTED BY TRIFITNESS
                           Race Date: 09/12/2021

                         The EMPIRE Timing Co. LLC

                   ********** AWARDS LIST **************

                            TEAM AWARDS OVERALL
Place O'All No.   Team Name            No.     Name                Finish     
===== ===== ===== ==================== ======= =================== ======= 
    1    17  1002 Alright Alright Alri     302 Team Relay            45:43 
    2    19  1006 Island Traders           306 Team Relay            46:01 
    3    24  1004 British bonanza          304 Team Relay            47:15 
    4    27  1021                          321 Team Relay            47:29 
    5    32  1015 Pine Creek Sharks        315 Team Relay            48:20 
    6    33  1023                          323 Team Relay            48:29 
    7    44  1019 BioWave Badgers          319 Team Relay            50:48 
    8    46  1018 Triple Threat            318 Team Relay            51:06 
    9    56  1020 Team DeLuca              320 Team Relay            52:31 
   10    61  1016 Rolling with Mahomme     316 Team Relay            53:10 
   11    73  1001 AHaughanananda�s         301 Team Relay            54:34 
   12   107  1017 Team Olsen               317 Team Relay            58:17 
   13   151  1005 FONSECA FAMILY           305 Team Relay          1:06:27 
   14   177  1022                          322 Team Relay          1:11:10 
                           WHEEL AWARDS OVERALL
Place O'All No.   Team Name            No.     Name                Finish     
===== ===== ===== ==================== ======= =================== =======